Blockchain: A ledger of all transactions for a specific crypto currency.
Cloned Site/Cloned Firm: A copy of a legitimate website, company or name intended to deceive (usually for fraudulent purposes).Fraud: Intentional Deception for personal or financial gain.
Crypto Scam: A scam involving crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Etherium, or Teather.
Crypto wallet: A device or software for storing crypto currencies.
FOREX Scam: A scam involving foreign currency exchange investing.
Investment Scam: A scam in which a person or company claims to offer investment services that are not provided.
Ponzi/Pyramid Scam: A scam which functions by offering a return that is paid out by the investments from new investors. When there is insufficient new investment capital the scam ends with the newest investors losing the full investment amount.
Scam: A dishonest scheme
Real Estate Scam: A scam involving the fraudulent sale, lease, rental or purchase of a real or imagined property.
Romance Scam: A scam where an individual expresses false friendship or romantic feelings in order to elicit a payment.

What to look out for:
An investment offers a guaranteed profit
The return is unusually high (usually more than 10% per year).
There is no risk.
Unsolicited offers or services involving FOREX, Crypto, Investing or other high risk service.
Investment services that do not provide a website.
Trading or investment sites that do not have a license number clearly visible on the site’s main page.
Payments requiring the use of a third party exchange, or payment intermediary.
Taxes required to be paid to an investment, crypto or trading site.

If you think you may have been the target of a scam, please contact us for a free consultation. We can help.


If you would like assistance, please contact us for a free consultation. We can help you find the best course of action.